Make a Network Boot Disk
This page describes how to make a bootup disk
that will enable you to access a Microsoft Network.
You will need a formatted High Density
(1.44 MB) or higher disk.
- First, you need to make the disk bootable. In order to do that, open
a DOS command prompt and type
a: (where
a is your drive letter)
- Next, you need to install MS-DOS
Network Client onto your hard drive, and configure it correctly for
your hardware.
- From now on, I will assume that you installed DOS Network Client in
the C:\net directory.
- Now you need to copy all of the files in your C:\net directory into
the root directory of your floppy disk.
copy c:\net\*.* a:\
- If all of the files will not fit onto your floppy disk, delete setup.exe and then
copy the rest of the files onto the floppy disk.
- Next, you will need to copy the config.sys and the autoexec.bat files
from the root directory of your hard drive.
copy c:\config.sys
copy c:\autoexec.bat a:\
- Now, you need to edit these files individually. To do this, type:
edit a:\config.sys
This will bring this file up in the MS-DOS Editor. I recommend that
you delete everything except the lines that are similar to these:
Now, since we don't want to be dependent on the hard drive with
this disk, change the reference to C:\net to A:\ Your file should
now look like this:
Now edit the autoexec.bat file.
edit a:\autoexec.bat
You can take out as much of this file as you want to, but leave
the NET START command. The minimum that should now be in this
file is:
A:\net start
- Now you should be able to use this disk to access your Windows95 &
NT network. This disk should work on all computers that have a compatible
hardware configuration.
- Now, you can delete the contents of the C:\net directory if you would
- You might also want to edit your config.sys and autoexec.bat files
in your C:\ drive. Delete all lines that refer to the C:\net directory.
That should be all you need to make a network boot-up disk. If I have
left anything out, did not describe something very clearly, or if you have
any questions, feel free to send me email at:
